I HAVE to pray, constantly, because if I don't, my mind fills up with intolerable grief and a terrible sense of futility. When I pray, I feel like I'm making an active attempt to connect to the world at large and to think outside of myself. I LOVE to pray, and love to come up with creative prayers - but what I most love to do is keep God busy. He's made it very clear that He listens to our prayers, that all of Heaven exists to answer our prayers and that when we pray for others, we ripple light and positive energy out into the continuum...there's a line in scripture in which God says "my Word does not come back to Me empty"...I believe that when we pray for one another, for our brothers and sisters around the world in need, we fill the emptiness (whether it be inside of us or the darkness in the world) with light and love.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)