mom and lola, I've been listening in on your conversation and wanted to join in.

Our daughter who is 22 is livng with us now and probably will be for quite some time. She is in her original room and is trying to take over another room. She's busting out of her room, and I'm trying to contain her to one room. HA. She works part time and is in taking couple classes.

Our oldest lived home and saved for a down payment after college. He now has a home in the city with renters. It seems to be working.

Our youngest is 21 and lives in Brooklyn as a director of photography/camera man. He has an apartment there but freelances and travels most of the time.

I was a stay at home mom and totally loved it. I can't tell you how much I enjoy having the kids around. We see quite a bit of our son in the city. In fact, we're going to help him paint his living room this Sunday, and I'm happy to help. Our youngest we get to see in spurts. He'll work for weeks or months, but when he's off, he loves to be home her in MD, and we love having him around. He's on a 52 day gig and finishes December 7th. HE is coming home that day, meaning here, not Brooklyn, and I coudln't be happier.

I understand the love of family.

mom, happy to have you aboard.

I'm going to start a forum about Thanksgiving.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.