Originally Posted By: chatty lady
I am wondering if all lumps are cancer? Some womens breasts are full of fatty tumors and can be felt easily but are not cancerous, thank God. I just heard a few night s ago they are now saying women under the age of 50 needn't have mammograms and that they do more harm than good. I swear you're dammed if you do, and dammed if you don't...What should we believe?

Who knows what to believe anymore? I'm on both sides of this issue. I like the current recommendations we have all followed, which has saved many lives.

Yet I am also one of those who had several horrifying "Houston we have a problem" episodes, warranting further studies like ultraound and very invasive stereotactic biopsies, one 2 days before my son's wedding. Every time they put in a marker, and this last time I was told that 20 of my 28 pre-cancerous lesions had spontaneously disappeared on their own.

Some Stage I cancer lesions also have been known to disappear without treatment, and some fast-growing lesions are sadly found too late.

As a nurse, I try to keep up with the latest on this subject, and every day this week the story has been changing.

Now, today, the news came out that Pap smears may not be needed annually in many instances.

What the heck is going on???

Edited by Josie (11/20/09 08:04 PM)
Edit Reason: spelling
Josie smile