Never thought of crashin' a private party,
Though, often joked 'bout it, quite hardy.

Think of the moxie, it had to take,
To walk into The White House,
Via its front gate!

That'd blow an average mind,
Clear out of da water,
Employin' pure guts, to do what
Ya hadn't ought ta!

Back on 911, I started wonderin',
'Twas National Security sleepin',
Or didn't we have one?

Seein' a strange couple,
Dancin' 'round The President's gala,
Reinforced the supposition,
Holy cow! We ain't got none!

Be alert, oddballs you'll see a creepin',
Watch it now, peepin' Toms, they're a peepin!

Edited by jabber (12/01/09 03:13 PM)