Think about the changes that occurred when you set the boundaries on your hubby. I think setting more boundaries with other loved ones is the ticket.

Bravo for turning your phone off at work. That's a great start. I hope you continue. That at least sets a boundarie for not getting worked up over family issues while at work. I love it!

Maybe we could help you think of some other boundaries and you can implement them one at a time.

One might be for when people curse at you. Simply state that you're not going to be verbally abused any more. When they begin cussing say, "If you are going to cuss at me, I'm going to hang up." Stick to it. They will eventually get the message.

I hope you don't mind me offering these sugestions. I'm only trying to help.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.