Lea, it's great to see you. Enjoyed your list of books. What a neat mix. I considered reading Mortenson's book, but now maybe I won't. I enjoyed Three Cups of Tea too. I found it amazing that he was so dedicated to his project. At times, I felt he was too obsessed. I am a bit curious to hear how it's continued to grow.

Can you tell us about the string theory book?

Lola, Wrestling with God, what a great title. I do that often.

I finished The World as an Alter. It was a lovely book that I think several here would enjoy. I finished the book feeling so blessed by the many ways we can encounter God throughout our days. It's quite amazing. It really made me think about living a life of prayer which is different than saying prayers. Very cool. I enjoy reading a book and feeling peaceful.

I've begun Have a Little Faith. It's another feel good book.

Thanks for sharing your books with me. I'm always on the lookout for the next good read.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.