Xena attended a two hour behavior modification class yesterday.
I'm so glad we decided to try another approach; this trainer
uses a less harsh method of training animals. The 1st trainer, a man, punished bad behavior; this lady rewards good behavior.
We're going to attempt to rehabilitate our lab. This trainer does not believe Xena has unpredictable aggression. She thinks
we've just been using the wrong method and incorrect materials.
There are two types of muzzles; according to her, we were using the wrong one. We were using the wrong collars and each uncomfortable correction, Xena blamed on the other dogs. She did good in class but this morning in the park, she didn't do so good. If need be, we'll have the new trainer drive out here and
walk Xena in the park to show us what we're doing wrong. I instinctively felt the problem was us and not the dog. Thank God we pursued new avenues of help. This trainer does not agree
with Millan or the puppy school we lst used. Since Xena was
getting worse, instead of better, I tend to trust this type training. I'll let you know what happens.

The only way I would have put this gorgeous animal down, was if
she grew unsafe around people and their pets. But she hasn't
harmed one living thing yet; well, the raccoon was a little worse
for wear, but other than that, she's just boxed around a bit.

So there's hope for a new beginning and a milder mannered dog!

Thanks for caring. luv ya, jabber

Edited by jabber (01/16/10 02:58 PM)