Oh Dee, I hear you!

I try to do at least stretching once a day. If I don’t, I feel immediately how my neck and shoulder muscles get tight. I have a couple of Tai Chi DVD’s. I enjoy doing the exercises because it’s a combination of stretching and meditating, and I love looking at the beautiful Hawaiian Beach backgrounds. After I do the stretching for about half an hour, then I put in my Zumba DVD and I work up a sweat for about 45 minutes. At first I was really disillusioned with the DVD. The steps were too complicated and fast. I mean I was like at least five steps behind, lol…Good thing I was doing this alone. But practice does make perfect, and I can really get into it now. The music is what motivates me.

A treadmill is just that; oh yawn, a treadmill. We have one, and it’s the biggest dust collector in the house.

Wish we could do the Zumba together and shake that thing with Riiiico! Gosh he’s cute.
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.