Can I jump in here and commiserate? Only today - small small peeve. Daughter has new boyfriend. Daughter is almost 30. She's going to school and working part time to be a teacher. She HAS lived out on her own but came home a year ago when her interior design job sort of dwindled. Okay, that's all background information. Room is pretty much always messy, laundry is lft in various stages of washer/dryer status. Invites boyfriend over for dinner, THEY watch a movie, I buy, cook, set table, mention that she could get drinks or set the table; I set the table, put everything on the table... I clean up which is okay, I was good with that, but later I mention that I've put everything away so she can do the couple of pans and dry the stuff washed. I get up this morning, she's already gone to work and she didn't do ANYTHING except put a cake pan on the wrong side of the sink so that I have to dig out the cake crap from the drain so that it will in fact DRAIN. I clean the kitchen and the pans before I make husband and my breakfast.

Was I able to convey all the information well without being too slighted in my favor?

And I am not leaving a mess just to prove a point. Her boyfriend would think that I was the slob. No. Any thoughts?


"Life was not given just to be happy, but to matter. Let me walk in that today." ~Kate