Originally Posted By: MustangGal
Also, because she mimics other women. Although we live like 2000 miles apart, this woman has colored her hair similar to my natural color. I live in a green house. She now lives in a green house. I bought a truck. She bought a truck. I saw this from the satelite photos and her web site.

This woman lied in 1996/1997 and told investigators that I had stolen her identity and that I am the reason for her filing for bankruptcy. I was discharged from the military. It wasn't until recently that I discovered and am able to prove her lies with court documents. Unfortunatley, the military review board does not care.

Gosh, this woman is truly evil incarnate.

I'm sorry this is an ongoing headache. Not only does she have some psychosocial problems, but it sounds abit creepy that she wishes to impersonate you and cause more mayhem.

Ever thought of moving to..Canada? laugh
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