So here's my day so far:

I got up at 5:30 as usual. Made the coffee, fed the dogs, gave them fresh water for the day, drank my coffee. Had a limerick running through my head so turned on the computer, finished and posted the limerick. Decided I needed to eat breakfast, but dishes were piled up in the kitchen so loaded the dishwasher. Took the dirty kitchen towels into the laundry room and noticed the plants on the windowsill were a little droopy so watered them. Then I figured I'd better water the outside plants. Noticed there was dog poop to pick up, so I picked it up and put it in the bucket, which needed to be emptied. Took that out front to the garbage; while I was out there, I watered the plants in the front yard. Came in and took a shower. Went into the bedroom to get dressed and saw my peace lily was a little droopy - watered it. Opened the drapes in the bedroom; made the bed; got dressed. Oops, forgot to water the backyard plants. Watered them. More dog poop - no bag in the bucket. Went back inside to get a bag. Had to move the recycle bin, which is full, to get to the drawer where the bags are. Emptied the recycle bin. Went into the laundry room to get a new bag for it; laundry piled up so threw a load in the washer. Now it's 9am; I'm exhausted already; and hungry. There's still no bag in the poop bucket; no bag in the recycle bin; the dishwasher hasn't been started. Aargh!

So how's your day going??
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich