Thank you. More validation that women don't have to self sacrifice to save the marriage. Not all women think like this, some say you do whatever it takes to make HIM happy. I was clean amazed!! This is the 21st century, I was so beat down by him and the addictions & mind games I just couldn't see two feet in front of me. Now looking back I'm so ashamed of myself, and mad at myself for not being able to stand up for myself. He cheated also, I don't know how many times. I'm so much better off now. I'm not scared of what will happen when I walk through the door. I look at each day with great expectation, and hope. Money is my only problem now, this to will pass soon, I should be working by the fall. I'm scared of men, I'm not sure of my judgment, I don't want to get someone like him or worse, I'm happier and safer alone, I'm having a hard time trusting now. Vibrant nation is a site for boomer women, the post "I don't want sex" got nearly 70 hits, some women's opinion was totally for the man. I just couldn't understand their reasoning. In my mind sex is wanted by BOTH partners. You don't do it just to please someone else, it is suppose to mean something, an expression of love & intimacy, not meaningless gratification. Just my thinking, but it doesn't matter now, I'm a nun, not looking for nun, don't want nun, don't care about nun!!! Thank you for your time.