Dee, your post made me choke up. I could so identify with it, and also the fact that I believe my son's father wasn't strict enough. I remember how fresh my kids could be to me. I would reprimand them, and my husband would just sit and watch silently. It was a huge issue between us during our marriage. His excuse was he didn't want the kids to feel ganged up on. he sees the result; at least with one.
Did you see the link I posted in my last post? I found it interesting reading.
I decided to delete some of the personal stuff that I wrote. I have to be careful, becasue of the divorce proceedings and the child custody case.

Sweet Dolphin...I would adopt you in a flash. So my daughter is a doctor? I'm sooo very proud of you, you sweet thing, you. Don't forget to take some's healthy for you in this heat. I am giving my daughter-doctor advice. tsk tsk...mama will keepa her moutha shut now. nighty night.Oh, may I braid your hair? grin

A friend is a gift you give yourself.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson