We are not moving anytime soon, but I am downsizing by getting rid of items we no longer use, and it feels so good.

While two of the kids were here, I got their permission to get rid of all the VHS tapes/movies because we dont' have a VCR. That cleared out two entire shelves in one big closet. WOW. I gave one huge bag of all the Disney movies to a good friend who teaches kindergarten because they have antiquated equipment in her classroom and she was so psyched to get them.

I've gone through clothes and books over and over again getting rid of more each time. Ross went through ties yesterday and I went through accessories I never wear. Why was I keeping that stuff?

Anyway, when we decide to move, we'll have less to take with us.

Next, I'm going through all of our glasses and serving dishes. We've accululated too much.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.