I'm with you Chatty,

I guess I have been lucky too. I find that I am colder now than I used to be -- have to sleep with blankets over me when hubby is just sporting a sheet. But that is easy enough to handle.

And I do hate the fact that I have to check my chin every darn morning to pluck the hairs that seem to grow overnight.

But if I had a hot flash -- I think it was only once. And I have to admit that came over me totally unexpectedly and was so embarrassing... It was at my 30th high school reunion, so 10 years ago when I would have been 48.

Not sure if it WAS a hot flash... I got to the room the reunion was in, went to the bar, ordered a beer and wandered over to join a group of classmates. Suddenly I was so hot and sweaty and weak feeling! All I wanted to do was take off my clothes and lie down on the cold tile floor! I was so confused, and I doubt it had to do with too much alcohol consumption, as I had just barely had two sips!!

I took myself to the ladies room, and hid out until it went away. If THAT was a hot flash, I am so glad to have never had another one!!

As for my periods, I always had really heavy nasty ones -- for years I was on the pill to control this, but then the medicos decided this was not safe, so I had to live with it. THOSE I don not miss one single bit!!

OK, now I have bared my soul on this topic. I'm with Chatty, I am glad to be finished with menopause.

Who else wants to share?
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.