Hi Kate:

Since I live in the same region of Canada as you, perhaps I might have some suggestions/content.

Right now, I'm trying to recover for next few days from writing a number of articles, for several sources. It's a holiday weekend after all. smile
As a resource for your readership and if they are cyclists (which I know the Victoria /Sannich area) has a large group, including people over 50+. See below. My partner recently met the lead cycling advocate-councillor in your area. The guy himself is over 50+.

http://insidevancouver.ca is Tourism Vancouver's blog. There are all sorts of things the team of writers post. Of value for folks making short trip to Vancouver

And....I will be on Vancouver Isl. only for a day this weekend before we head over to one of the San Juan Islands, etc.

http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)