My state has the same, but b/c I have a graduate degree I qualify for less support systems. Their thinking is that b/c I have a grad degree I'm not as destitute as those with less of an education. Seems to be an oxymoron to me.

I am enrolled in Crossroads Career Network with a local church which is a 11-week course which is a faith-based job search and career transition resources. About 2/3s of the class is unemployed, while the other is underemployed or wanting a career change. A few are happily employed.

The class is free and facilitated with volunteers, one of which is a VA (Veteran's Affairs) rep in the neighboring county. She agrees that my VA rep is lazy and she has invited me to her office for assistance.

Also, I will contact the Goodwill office to assist with same. I would not mind working for Goodwill b/c they have a good working environment and benefits. However, the pay is not good and does not cover all the bills.