I'm sorry to hear this Mustang. That's pathetic of that woman.

By the way blogging ..is free as long as you have Internet. Time to set up blog for biz and showcase your knowledge of animal husbandry.

As for me, I have to find housing in another province....1,200 kms. away. Dearie will help me get set up in new place with barebones belongings for now since I'm not certain how things will work out.

So my days of alot of blogging will be less. I still hope to blog on the subjects that I have writing on but it may not be often as now. So in a bizarre way, I've be pumping out some more new blog articles while I still have available time left..like this this. with pretty pics. Killer, hey? cool

http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)