blush Just don't let the yoga positions intimidate. I will never be able to do such positions!

I bought them from a local small women's chain store here at home.

I was instructed to wash them in cold water and hang to dry. Fine by me.

***My lack of motivation for a long time, to buy new jeans was partially I had been using the excuse of working at a construction site where alot of employees at all levels, wore all sorts of jeans. So no one cared about my 15-yr. old jeans.

It was actually a relief to work in an environment where there was less focus on looking chic vs. looking neat and practical while people focused on the job. Then a cycling lifestyle when I wasn't working, was a further excuse to do nothing. Anyway, my casual wear money had been directed on cycling stuff and scarcely any casual, non-sports activity wear for past 5 yrs.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)