Hubby and I each have things that we really like that the other doesn't. We get around that by having "solo" dinners once in awhile, especially if we only have enough leftovers for one serving. Whichever one of us most wants the leftovers gets them, and the other gets to cook up whatever he/she wants. It works for us. I suppose I got the idea from my parents. Every so often, Mom would make spaghetti for us kids and Dad would cook up liver for himself. I always thought it was neat that they would do that for each other, allow the other to have their special meal without having to sacrifice their own likes and tastebuds. It works really well for us now too.

I don't mind in the least cooking up something for myself while he has something else, especially when it comes to veggies.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)