1968 grad, Chicago. We had to wear skirts that touched mid-knee, and weren't allowed to wear boots -- so I remember too many snow blizzards where the girls had to remove their pants and snow boots outside the high school's front door. Snow blizzards, howling winds, and brutal cold -- and we had to change outside! Ugh.

I broke rules because they were arbitrary, and no one could ever explain to me why these rules existed. I demanded logic; instead, I was given lectures on, "Why is a smart girl like you breaking all the rules?" And my answer always was, "Because I AM a smart girl, and these rules are illogical."

So I was in detention hall an average of 3 days a week, with the girls who smoked in the bathroom and the boys who were flunking out. I regarded it as a small inconvenience to pay for my principles, and extra time to work on my math equations.
My handcrafted jewelry:
limited edition designs
more jewelry, plus bead supplies

Poet and essayist