Hi Kate,

Is there any chance you can ask your boss for an agenda for the meeting so that you can be prepared in advance to discuss whatever it is that he wants to address?

You might tell him that you know finances are challenging right now, and then ally yourself with him, so to speak, by saying that you're anticipating that he wants the meeting so that the two of you can brainstorm ways to bring in money...

After all, since you are doing ad sales, and you know that your successful sales efforts are what cover the production costs, you are in the unique position of being able to solve all of his financial problems, if you can just find a way to bring in some significant money.

If yours is a small publishing company, as it sounds like it might be, why not try to think of how you can act like a partner, rather than an employee...

If you can get yourself in a position to be an asset to the firm rather than a liability, the boss will not want to let you go. So for example, if you could come up with some marketing idea that involves benefiting a non-profit, while at the same time generating funds to allow for publication, you become not only the hero of the day, but also indispensible to your boss...

I'm not aware enough of all of your details to be able to offer more details, but as the owner of a small business for the past upteen years, I'm pretty sure this sort of employee attitude is what gain you long term job security in my organization.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.