Thanks for asking Mustang Gal. I'm still very sore and fatigue very easily. When I first got home, I was amazed at my ability to climb the stairs and walk without problem. But I think I over-estimated my progress and have to slow down now.

My biggest problem, which is the most painful aspect of this entire ordeal, is the gassiness...very uncomfortable and downright painful at times.

I'm also a bit apprehensive at all the complications that I have to watch out for...clots, prolapse, lymphodema to name a few...I hadn't anticipated having to worry about all that stuff.

But I'm mobile and have a hubby who is doing EVERYTHING for me right now so that I can focus all of my energy on healing.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)