Good news for Dotsie and others who are not Kindle owners -

Ronda Del Boccio mentioned on our teleseminar last night that you DO NOT need to have a Kindle in order to read a book that's on Kindle. There are free Kindle apps you can download from Amazon and then you can read a Kindle book without actually owning a Kindle.

I just Googled about this and came up with this page, which shows you can get a Kindle app for MANY devices including:

* iPhone
* Windows PC
* Mac
* BlackBerry
* iPad
* Android
* Windows Phone 7

Here's the link: Free Reading Apps for Kindle

My mother has a Kindle, and she finds it so much easier to read than a traditional book, now that she has arthritis in her hands.

And you DO still have something to hold in your hands, Dotsie, it's whatever device you're using...I know, not the same, but maybe progress...

I think the tipping point happened in 2010 and we are going to see more and more ebooks, and lose the image that they aren't quite as "good" as traditional books.

Edited by Anne Holmes (01/08/11 12:03 AM)
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.