I actually hadn't stopped to think about senior discounts much before this, but I think it's a little odd that we get a break just because we are a few years older. I take up the same space and use the same resources in restaurants and theaters. I realize it's a marketing tool and of course seniors on fixed incomes can really use the break, but so could an a lot of other people. As it is, both the wealthy seniors and the poor ones get the same discounts.

I think there are plenty of benefits to getting older that don't involve money. One of the biggest is maturity: you learn not to sweat the small stuff, stop treating everything like it's a crisis, and learn to appreciate what you have for the day. You learn that the trends all cycle around. They come, they go, no need to invest too much in the latest fad.

And speaking of maturity, I'd rather seniors get treated with more respect and viewed as valuable resources because of our experience than get coupons because our hair is gray. But, of course we live in a youth culture. I'm sure we were just as dismissive of our elders when we were younger.