Yum! I love stuffed peppers!

You are industrious to already have supper ready to go. Steve spent the whole weekend working on our taxes. Collected all the stuff and sent it via email to the accountant, who was supposed to have it all done by Monday. So far, no word... Hope that's not a bad sign!

Wednesday night is our night to have dinner with a group of friends. We rotate who gets to choose the venue - dining in or going out -- and it's my turn to choose.

I'm planning to suggest we go out for dinner tonight, but since we've done that an awful lot lately, I'd not be surprised if I end up cooking.

Hmmm. I have some good thick leftover chili -- I wonder what would happen if I tried stuffing peppers with it?
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.