One thing I've noticed when shopping for groceries, is that I am seeing more people shopping with a LIST and/or with coupons or the grocery store's ads, showing all the specials.

I think more people are reining in their potential for impulse buying this way.

I've always grocery shopped with a list and a pen to check things off as I buy them. But I haven't been previously aware of so many other people doing this.

Of course, it doesn't stop me from considering an impulse purchase if I run into something NOT ON THE LIST which is a fabulous find. But my mother always taught me to question any impulsive purchase with three questions:

1) Do I want it?
2) Do I need it?
3) Is there something else that would better resolve the need?

That seems to work pretty well...
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.