Just last week at my window sat a bird chirping with glee,
the sun on her tail, how she did prevail, a wonderful site to see.

Then later the same week, not a peep can be heard,
the same bird sits quietly in the wind.

Her feathers blow badly, she sits there quite sadly, waiting for the sun to return.

I must share my feelings, my emotions are reeling as one more day the weather is bad.

I sit inside out of the cold,
while the little birds all so bold bare the cold,
feathers fluffed around them trying to keep warm.

I wish I could open my door forever more so these tiny feathered babies could fly inside,
Give them shelter from the changing weather and a warm place to reside.

My handyman just left after he did my bidding,
three nice new birdhouses are built, two more are coming and no I'm not kidding...
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