I have considered dusting off my bike. But it's very hilly here and the highway I'd have to travel to get to the store is narrow with shoulders that are fairly non-existent.

This is actually U.S. Route 20 the longest road in the US which runs from Boston to Newport, Oregon. But we live in the roughly 40 mile area of its coast to coast span which is only single lane each way.

There are plans to improve it, so that it bypasses Galena, but those have been in discussion for 20+ years so I'm not sure they will happen in my lifetime.

In any case, there are loads of semis on the road and I just don't think it is safe to ride a bike on it. So I am left to planning my trips and trying to make each one as efficient as possible.

Edited by Anne Holmes (05/09/11 06:22 PM)
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.