Hi Yonuh,

First of all, you have my sympathy. This sort of a move is really tough: both physically and emotionally challenging. But I promise you, it can be done! And you will be really happy you did it -- when it is all over. Though I think I ached for a week after the move...

You've probably figured this out already, but the best way to tackle the job is to organize it and break it up into manageable pieces. Handle one room -- or even one part of a room -- at a time. And have boxes marked "save," "recycle," "give away," and "trash."

Also helpful: early on I pulled together a crew of family and friends to help for a day -- we all worked hard, they got first dibs on stuff they wanted to keep, and I kept them well-fed. Definitely worth it if you can assemble a crew like that.

In the litany of disposal in my story above, I forgot that we also left stuff curbside for the regular trash pick-up. The week of the move, the trash pick-up wasn't just one or two barrels -- it practically ran the full with of our lot. I'm sure the trash guys weren't happy, but that's what ended up happening.

Good luck -- how far away are you moving?

Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.