I taped Oprah's goodbye and found it so impressive, I plan on watching it a few more times. What awesomely wise, valuable words this lady spoke. Her comments about self-esteem, deserving to be blessed, knowing you're not the only person going through difficult situations, these statements are where the rubber meets the road, so to speak. What a blessing!

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine!
Kind words are like honey, enjoyable and healthful.

Jabber, I moved your comment about Oprah to a new discussion, as it seemed to make more sense NOT to have it with the other discussion that dealt with Boomer divorces. Somehow we got off track on that thread...

I also taped Oprah's goodbye and watched it while it ran. I have to confess she had me going for the tissues several times, and I don't think I'm an "easy weeper."

I have not been a faithful Oprah watcher over these past 25 years. Not that I've had anything against her, it's just that since I've pretty much always been employed, I don't have time to watch much daytime TV. (Though I do confess to taping Jeopardy and watching/listening to it while I cook dinner... I love challenging myself to see if I know the answers. And I've also learned a fair amount of trivia in the process!)

But ever since they announced this was her last year, I have recorded the shows, and I've watched most of them.

In my opinion, Oprah is an amazing woman. She has a mission that guides her, and the world is a better place for her. I was absolutely amazed the other day to hear her say that her conception was the result of a one-time "connection" -- or hook-up as kids say these days -- between her parents. All I've got to say about that is "God works in mysterious ways."

Edited by Anne Holmes (05/26/11 05:42 PM)
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.