Thinkin' 'bout Independence Day,
Aka the 4th of July,
The historic celebrations,
'N all that that implies.

Psychedelic fireworks exploding,
Against the black, black sky,
Commemorating thirteen Colonies,
On another land no longer rely.

During the American Revolution,
Second Continental Congress doth resolve,
Legal separation from Great Britain,
An important issue successfully solved.

They'll be partying across the splendid US of A,
No lack of celebration they'll be this Independence Day,
We'll have municipal parades, public'n private events,
This Federal Holiday shall surely, joyously be spent.

Thinkin' 'bout courage and love,
Of the soldiers' Freedom Fight,
Leaving family and goin' to war,
So their homeland rests at night.

Many lives of the young are altered,
When joining that military life,
Soldiers going to war,
So this country lives without strife.

HAPPY 4th of July everybody!!!