The last time I went to a high school reunion was over 30 yrs. ago.

I live 3,500 kms. away from where I went to high school, then university.

Honest I don't have much interest in reunions. BAsed on what I hear from a good friend, I don't think I would have much in common to talk about present stuff. Talking about good old days ...back that long ago is a very short-lived exercise. (My teenage years weren't totally care-free nor golden.)

There was a major HS reunion about 8 yrs. ago but I wasn't going to spend money to fly 4,000 kms. I keep in touch with only 1 friend HS. That's good enough for me.

University...I have 2 close friends which again is good enough for me. I feel blessed with their friendship because part of it is also related to supporting each other as we each moved through our careers.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)