I'm with you on that definition, Yonuh.

As for your comments on the smaller plates for seniors, Mountain Ash, I have started to see restaurants in the US offering what they call "small plates." Again, these are meals from the main menu, but in smaller portions.

I think this is brilliant marketing. They don't define them by age, so no one is embarrassed by potentially admitting to being "older."

But since most restaurants are guilty of serving HUGE portions, this is a way for those of us who want more reasonable portions to get what we want... After all, sometimes we don't want to take home a "doggie bag," and we don't want to be tempted to overeat.

It works for me, and I'd like to see more places adopt the idea.

Edited by Anne Holmes (07/20/11 07:21 PM)
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.