NABBW is hosting a teleseminar this evening, which - as usual - is free and open to the public.

The topic will be of interest to writers and those who wannabe a writer.

I am interviewing NABBW's Entrepreneurial Authoring Expert Ronda Del Boccio on "Best Free Online Resources for Authors"

Here's the link to listen in via your computer, Skype and or your phone: Best Free Resources for Authors

We want this to be an interactive call, with listeners having time to ask questions AND share their favorite free resources and tools.

This call is all about tapping into the best free resources for writers - from publishing to freelance jobs to book promotion and motivational tools. At minimum we will be covering tools related to:

* Free self-promotion
* Writing prompts
* Reference sources for writers
* Places to publish
* Freelance job boards
* Writers forums
* And more

Hope all of you writers can make the call!
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.