Hi Jabber,

I have posted comments onto Chatty's blog in the past, using my Gmail address, which came through showing up as a comment from Blogger. Which didn't make sense to me, but since it worked, I left it that way.

But I think you can use your yahoo account -- just select the "Open ID" option. I don't have a Yahoo account to try this with, but I tried putting my "@anneholmes.com" email address in that way, and it looked like it would let me proceed.

Give that a try. If you still encounter challenges, let me know. Send me a PM with the post you want to put on her blog, and I will try to post it for you.

Enjoy the long weekend. It's been raining here all day, and we're supposed to end up with lows in the 40s tonight.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.