Thanks for your thoughts, Mountain Ash, changes have occurred for us, of course, in the past 10 years. We survived the challenges and I'm sure we came out better for them.

Earlier today I read a 9/11-focused post from one of our NABBW Associates, psychologist Judith Sherven, in which she said:
Two days from now the United States will honor the 10th Anniversary of 9/11.

Will you?

Will you take the time to remember back - to where you were on that fatality-filled day?

Will you call up the emotions you felt when you first heard about what was happening?

Or will you do everything you can to ignore the day, ignore what your emotional experience was 10 years ago 9/11?

Because if your style is to ignore the painful experiences you've gone through you end up feeling like your emotional baggage is a curse, a heavy weight you can never get out from under.

But when you use your emotional experiences to honor what it means to be human - and to be human in this far from perfect human experience...

Then you honor yourself, your loved ones, and your motionally healthy future.

So - please do honor yourself and all those who died and all those who helped during and afterwards who are still alive -

And take some time to appreciate your own emotional responses then and now.

We've all moved on in the past 10 years, of course. But as Judith says, we do need to honor ourselves and all those who died as well as all of us who helped during and afterwards who are still alive. It's the healthy thing to do.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.