I don't plan to be on FB. I'm sorry I work full time and look after/feed 3 blogs, plus guest write for 4th one.

None of my face to face friends nor family members are into swapping photos/going through FB. some of them have very young children. I share enough on my blogs and twitter is strictly for supporting dearie's business. That's all. I never use it for anything personal.

Since my sister died last year, my perceptions how I spend my free personal time, has become channelled iinto certain areas. I really focus on social media tools that allow more flexibility to say more if I wish with others. I still haven't met anyone face to face from here compared to the women's cycling group so I tend to be more reticent.

Edited by orchid (12/13/11 02:40 AM)
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)