Hi all,

Normally I would have deleted this message as we all know that Amyzane has not abided by our forum rules: She's clearly promoting a commercial cause - and we've never heard of her before.

However, as it seems she is not likely, in her role as casting producer, to financially benefit from this message. AND because I think it would be wonderful if one of us or someone we know were to get the chance to be in one of these commercials - which I am sure you have all seen already on TV - I am allowing the post to stay.

I just wanted to go on record here as doing this, as you all know I am pretty adamant about not allowing commercial messages on our forum unless the message is coming form someone who we all know and who has already contributed hugely - in a non-commercial way - to the site.

So feel free to contact Amy, and good luck to anyone who does! Maybe we'll see you on national TV discussing your first day of retirement... THAT would be fun!

Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.