Absolutely correct, Di! I and others here on the forum can vouch for the quality of your products and the wonderful speed and accuracy of your service.

Recently I have been hearing, though, of sites that have been "spoofed" or created to LOOK LIKE a legit site, with the intent to grab credit card information, and personal info.

Thus it is a good idea for online customers to check and double check your typing as you type in a URL. And be careful of clicking on links that come to you via email.

I love online shopping and I won't stop doing it. But unless you are actually in the physical store and/or face to face with the vendor - you as the customer still need to remember "buyer beware." And if something sounds too good to be true, or a bit "fishy," back off, like Jabber did.

And of course, vendors need to be equally vigilant to make sure that a "fake" version of their online store doesn't exist at a URL that is "close to" the real one. (Alternately, you can buy the URLs that are easy typos of yours, to keep them "off the market."
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.