I remember reading all of those books...I too was a voracious reader and my parents couldn't keep up with my insatiable passion for reading. I remember the Bobbsey Twins, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys as well as anything else we could bring home from the library. Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz, all the fairy tales, etc, etc. I was in my twenties when I discovered The Narnia Chronicles and Anne of Green Gables - I would have enjoyed those as a child as well, but STILL never tire of reading Narnia. I still have a lot of my childhood books, though did pass along all the series books to nieces.

Does anyone remember the Rupert books? I still have two of those from my early childhood years. And anything and everything by Madeleine L'Engle (though didn't discover her until my twenties either).

Fun memories. I used to love getting lost in those books.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)