We stopped walking with our dogs or taking them to the dog park because of too many inconsiderate dog owners who didn't or couldn't control their dogs. Our neighbor lets his dogs loose in the easement behind our house and on our street. They are big hound dogs and ours are smaller; one's a Queensland Heeler and the other is a Mini Poodle. The Heeler is very protective of the Poodle - she thinks he's her child! - and has almost got into fights protecting him. So we aren't going to take the chance. They get playtime whenever they want with a doggie door into the back yard and in the evening when we're both home. Since they're both couch potatoes, it's not a problem that they don't get long walks. They keep each other fit with chasing games that only they know the rules for! And they keep us entertained while they're doing it. :-)
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich