That's a good idea, Yonuh.

Di, I may have kids, but I don't have grandkids, and I'm not sure that I ever will. My daughter is married but she and her husband work nights, due to working for a newspaper -- and she is the main breadwinner, as he's been laid off a couple of times and currently works part-time. (Which means they have enough money to get along, but without her being FT, there is no health insurance.)

She's not willing to have children while they both work nights. I'm not even sure she wants to have children unless one of them can stay home to be a FT parent -- she seems to have decided this as a result of having been parented by three parents who all worked full-time day jobs...though by the time the kids were in middle school I was working from home -- so I really don't think they were all that ignored!

Anyway, my son is not married - and no prospects for that on the near horizon. He's recently broken up with the last woman he dated -- though they are still friends and co-workers.

They are 34 and 31 -- and I know people are marrying and having kids at later ages these days -- so you can see why I am starting to realize that grandparenting may not be in the cards for me - at least anytime soon.

Thus I'm experiencing a bit of the same thing you are -- my friends are all sharing pix of their grandkids - and I can't reciprocate. Can't even show off a grandpet (LOL!)

My impression is that MOST of my grandparent friends recover a bit after the newness of grandparenting wears off. And then we can talk about other stuff.

In the meantime, I stay in touch - often via Facebook where I get to see the shared kid pix -- and make an effort to be interested in the pix and stories about the grands... It works out quite well.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.