I was really sad to see the season finale of one of my favorite TV shows, Lifetime's "Army Wives," last night. It's somewhat unclear whether this was the season finale for AW or actually the show's finale...

We'd been hearing for some time that it was the end of the show forever - but the way that the show ended was quite disconcerting -- and begs for another season so as not to leave all the show's fans in limbo.

We've never talked about this show here in the forum, so I don't know if anyone else watches it. Won't bore you if no one else is as hooked on Army Wives as I had become... But if anyone else watches -- let's talk -- what did you think of last night's last minute?

Speaking of television, I've noted that there are a slew of new talk shows opening. I guess this is a response to the end of Oprah. Katie Couric has a new show, as does Anderson Cooper. Also a few other new ones I can't reall...

I just watched the new Anderson Cooper Live show -- as it comes on here at 11 -- and I had been a big fan of Meredith Viera's "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" which formerly had that slot on my local NBC station. I'd watch while I was doing morning dishes and housework. it was light, entertaining and fun to see if I could outsmart the contestants.

As for Cooper's show -- I was not impressed. He covered a bunch of garbage as far as I was concerned: an interview with the tanning booth mom, another with some awful woman and her daughter who apparently have a reality show (Honey Boo Boo?).

They also tried to do a live feed segment with the pizza shop owner who hugged Obama, but the feed was bad -- so he will be appearing in person on the show tomorrow. Oh, and there was a quick clip with Beyonce...

The only thing I really liked about the show was his guest host - Kristin Chenoweth. She was a cute and bubbly as ever -- and I was glad to see her back on TV.

First I've seen or heard of her since her accident where the studio lights fell on her during filming of "The Good Wife."

So: who's seen any new TV shows they enjoyed and think will be this year's hits?
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.