I remember how we had to get a map of our neighborhood and find the most direct route home from school, staying off of the main roads, cutting through people's yards. We did several trial runs - walking home and timing ourselves. I lived several miles from school and it was nerve wracking trying to get home under the 30 minute time frame that they gave us.
I also remember that we stocked up a room in the basement with food and water. It was our "bomb shelter." Since I grew up in Atlanta, everyone thought we were potentially within range.
How very odd it all was - 50 years ago, wow...
Marsha Roberts
Author of "Confessions of an Instinctively Mutinous Baby Boomer"
website: www.MutinousBabyBoomer.com
Blog: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6037984.Marsha_Roberts/blog