We don't have a dog at the moment, but when we did, they were always large dogs -- golden retrievers, irish setters, labs.

Often, the places where we lived when we had these dogs didn't have leash laws, so while we'd walk the dogs, we also let them outside when they asked to go -- unless we knew there were gaggles of turkeys walking by, etc. In which case we didn't let the dogs out to chase the turkeys, as much as they would have loved it!

As a result of this habit, the dogs -- which were INDOOR dogs most of the time -- often came home really dirty, or having been sprayed by a skunk, or having rolled in deer "poop" they had delightedly found in the woods.

In those cases, of course, we HAD to wash them. We generally tried to do this outdoors with a large tub, a hose, shampoo and loads of towels. But now and then circumstances called for us to try washing the dog indoors in the tub, which was never very easy.

Other than that, we just brushed them regularly, wiped their paws clean when they came in from outdoors, and buffed them dry with a towel when they came in from being out in the snow. (And we also made sure to get the ice clots out of their paws.)

I never took any of my dogs to a groomer for trims or washes. But I did once have an advertising agency client who manufactured "dog shampoo." Never bought any of that. I think we probably used human shampoo.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.