In the past few weeks, I've been seeeing this Garnier commercial on TV for some cosmetic product they call "BB cream."

I had no idea what is was or what it did -- so I decided that the product was probably not for someone my age. And then I got to wondering whether the "BB" stands for "baby boomer."

So I did some online research. And no, it's NOT "baby boomer," but apparently it is a hot new trend....

Here's an article about it.

Apparently "BB" technically stands for "Blemish Balm" or "Blemish Base," but the product is not considered to be a spot cream.

Seems BB creams are more of a multi-function cream that has coverage and skincare properties. Women who use it like the fact that it promises natural-looking skin coverage. Me, I'm still just washing and moisturizing my face in the morning. So it is REALLY natural looking... LOL

Has anyone tried any of these products?

Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.