Shared housing is a good option for a lot of people, I agree. when my mother, who lives half way across the country from me, in Arizona, lived in a single family home, she was a bit lonely, I believe, even though she was busy with church activities and several clubs she belonged to.

She had always told me that if something happened to her husband, and she was alone, she wanted to come back to the Midwest and live with me.

But things have changed for her, now that the two of them live in an apartment in an aging in place community. I don't think she would move if something happened to Russ.

Her life is much fuller now, with friends who are available just down the hall, at the pool and in the arts and crafts room. Plus, she says it would be too hard for her body to readjust to our cold Midwest winters.

She's not in co-housing of course, which is what you are advocating, Zoe, but the end result is similar. And I am sure co-housing would be much more affordable for most of us. It is mind-boggling how much money a person needs to have saved in order to afford a home in a nice aging in place community.

This is certainly something I would consider were I alone in the future.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.