Last thing... for sure.

This is for Laurel. I found a quickie photo for the women's movement - got it from Wikimedia Commons or Wikipedia. And, I put a link to your article here.

It's too hard to do it on Facebook, but it was interesting to remember the days when women were only teachers, nurses, and mommies. You might like the movie Made in Dagenham if you're on Netflix. I had never heard of it until a writer friend wanted to put a review of it on my site. Note: It's almost impossible to understand some of the words in the film because they all have heavy Cockney accents (or some similar accent). Don't worry. You'll love the movie even if you don't hear every word... it's a comedy and you'll understand the plot.

and I'm off...
Tina Boomerina

We may not be babies anymore, but we can still be babes.