Thanks for those thoughts, Copygal.

I know what you mean about how sheltered a person can be, going straight from living with parents to living with a spouse.

I did that too. I did live in a sorority house one year while I was in college, but that wasn't much different from living at home -- in that there was always food on the table at mealtime, people to talk to whenever you needed to talk, and plenty of activities to choose from.

I got married the first time while still in college, so I hadn't yet had the time to be on my own, and totally responsible for myself.

After I got divorced, I realized that I needed to gain this experience, so I made a plan to live alone for at least five years before marrying again. And I did.

Now I know that, should I become widowed, at least in my grief I will have the confidence of knowing that I CAN live alone. And i believe that would be a comfort during my grief.

I think all people would benefit from having to spend some time living alone. Just so you know you have the experience.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.